About me

Since Oct 2024, I am Interim Professor for Software Engineering at the University of Regensburg, Germany. In May 2024, I joined the ACP Section at the University of Souther Denmark as Assistant Professor. Before joining Fabrizio Montesi’s group, I was PostDoc in Timo Kehrer’s Software Engineering Group at the University of Bern since October 2022. I did my PhD studies and lots of teaching activities at the University of Bayreuth in the Chair for Software Engineering.

In 2021, I had the unique opportunity to join the SQUARE group at the IT University of Copenhagen as guest researcher. This research visit, where I studied the synchronization of variability information, was funded by an DAAD IFI scholarship.

My research and teaching activities as well as scientific services have been recognized with various award nominations and awards.


My research interest focuses on software engineering, in general, and, in particular on how to evolve complex software systems consistently. Complex software systems encompass highly-configurable software systems, such as the Linux kernel or the ecosystems which allow to steer cyber-physical systems.

I strive to improve the quality and usability of software artifacts involved to steer these comples systems. Keeping information spread across heterogeneous software engineering artifacts consistent is a crucial activity to support this aim. Among others, I consider model-driven technology and software product line engineering techniques essential to solve these problems.



Recent PCs

Further Reviewing Activities

  • Empirical Software Engineering (EMSE), Springer
  • IEEE Software, IEEE
  • Journal of Systems ans Software (JSS), Elsevier
  • Journal of Object Technology (JOT), AITO